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We are taking this into consideration and it is currently being reviewed.
01How are you addressing the needs of those with mobility issues?
All of the homes are designed to comply with the nationally described space standards and the latest requirements of building regulations.
At least 10% of the homes will be fully accessible (M4(3)) compliant to meet the needs of wheelchair users.
02How can we buy or rent a property on the development?
The S106 affordable homes will be allocated in accordance with the requirements of the S106.
Unrestricted homes for sale or rent will be marketed as the development nears completion.
03How much parking will be on the development?
The amount of car parking has been reduced from nearly 500 spaces in the outline scheme to 340 allocated spaces and 46 visitor spaces, this may be subject to change. Most of the homes will have one parking space, some larger homes will have two and there will be visiting parking provision, in line with South Downs National Park, car parking guidelines.
04Is the site at risk of flooding?
Most of the site sits in flood risk zone 1 which has a less than 0.1% probability of flooding. All residential development will sit within flood risk zone 1. The site will include large amounts of multifunctional green infrastructure, and the role of some of this green land will be to mitigate flood risk.
05What sustainability measures are being included on the development?
Prior to the commencement of development, a design stage sustainable construction plan will set out how the development will achieve net zero carbon and will also include plans for zero waste, use of sustainable materials, reduced water consumption to 90 litres / person / day and an open space strategy. It will include projects such as community-based management of communal gardens, community food projects, and other green infrastructure project management. Following approval of the design stage sustainable construction plan, the developer will be required to ensure the project is implemented in full accordance with the approved details.
Each home will include enhanced insulation and building fabric, photovoltaic (solar) panels and an air-source heat pump for space heating and hot water.
The development will also significantly reduce embodied carbon emissions during construction by an expected c80% compared to traditional construction thanks to the use of sustainable materials and the offsite construction techniques.
06What will happen with pedestrian and cycle pathway?
New pedestrian routes and cycle paths are being provided all around the development, and will connect with the new link from the railway cutting, they will benefit from low-level lighting to ease accessibility.
07Who will manage / maintain the site?
The site is owned by Habitare Homes Limited (“Habitare”), a Registered Provider of affordable homes. Habitare will be responsible for the long-term stewardship and asset management of the site.
08Will there be affordable housing, if so what’s the percentage?
There will be a minimum of 50% affordable housing in accordance with the Section 106 Agreement (the “S106”) signed when outline planning permission was granted for the development of the site.
The S106 affordable housing provision will be fully compliant with the requirements in terms of tenure split between rent and shared ownership.
09Will there be green space / allotments, how will this affect the current trees and wildlife?
The master plan is a landscape-led scheme with significant new green space provision. Following consultation feedback, the scheme will also include shared kitchen gardens / allotments. The emerging masterplan significantly reduces the amount of hardstanding and increases the amount of green space provision compared to the original outline scheme.
We are not removing any existing healthy trees but those of poor quality or diseased will be removed as part of good woodland management practice. We will also be planting a significant number of additional new trees.
010Will the development cause lots of traffic? / Will the use of offsite construction increase the amount of traffic?
Thanks to the use of an offsite construction approach, there will be a significant reduction in construction traffic compared to a traditional construction site. It is estimated there will be a c.80% reduction in the comparable amount of traffic movements for a traditional construction site.
There will be no deliveries around peak traffic times including school drop-off and pick-up times, which are key times to local residents.
011How will the development impact the access to and connectivity to the railway line?
Funding for the new access from the former railway cutting is to be provided by the developer, as secured by the S106.
The development will provide a welcoming entrance at the point of connection of a new link to the permissive path in the former railway cutting. Lewes District Council is responsible for constructing the link using the funding under the S106.